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How does it Work?

After you Join, a JGW Wellness Coach will reach out to you schedule your initial assessment. 

1) The first step is to set up your initial phone call assessment with your wellness coach. During this session you and your coach will go over your fitness goals, current eating habits, complete medical history (cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetic etc, and current lifestyle history.

2) Based on your assessment Your Coach Will Create

  • Custom meal plan and food shopping list

  • Go over portion Sizes

  • Set weekly Goals and weigh ins

  • Send Reminders

  • Create Custom Workout Routines tailored your goals and needs

3) Your Coach will give you access to the JGW Wellness Mobile app. There you can access home workout videos, nutrition tips, and wellness updates.

4) Text your pictures of your daily meals or daily food log and weekly weigh ins to your Wellness coach so your coach can track progress and make any adjustments if needed.

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JGW Coaches are available 24/7 for support by text message. Meal plans are customized and tailor-made to meet our clients specific needs and preferences. Examples of meal plans that we can create for you include

  • Weight Loss,

  • Low Glycemic

  • Low Carb

  • Cholesterol-lowering

  • Muscle-Building

  • Vegan

Clients on the JGW Weight loss Program plan can expect to lose 3-5 lbs/week. Please check our clients and testimonial page we are consistently posting results of our clients to prove the we are best.

To Check out our clients and testimonials -Click here


Convenience and cost savings for both the company and employees. After lack of motivation, the biggest reasons people do not hire personal trainers or engage in other fitness programs are convenience and cost. With our Weight loss Program, the cost per month is much lower than face-to-face training and employees receive a program that fits their schedules.

While some limitations occur, such as no face-to-face interaction, we work hard to make our programs well-rounded and interactive. This enables us to provide a high level of service that provides your employees with the things they need to be successful, including a structured workout program and accountability. If you already have a corporate account with us please click here

JGW Wellness Coaches are carefully handpicked holding numerous certifications  such as Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and Holistic Nutrition coach to name a few. We will educate clients on best practices and assist in the development of meal plan options and exercise programs. What makes JGW Wellness Coaches so effective is the ability to work with clients on nutrition with education, positive accountability and electronic journaling. 

Contact us for our Corporate Rates!