The Process


Taking our experience from working with thousands of office workers, managers, and CEO’s we have devised a wellness program with the combination of Personal training, The weight loss program and physical therapy that is designed to get you real results and keep you pain free.

Our wellness program is built on 5 key pillars

Education, Accountability, Holism, Engagement, and Specificity

Through years of experience and hundreds of transformations, we’ve identified each pillar to be essential for making real lasting life-changing results.


Healthier people make healthy decisions. Unlike other programs, our business model isn’t built on keeping you dependent on our services. Rather we recognize that educating your employees is key to their long-term wellness. Our goal is to provide each of your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to be confident and independent in their decisions.


In every business, there is someone to make sure that the work that needs to get done gets done. But who's holding you and your employees accountable for your health and wellness? Here at genesis wellness, we understand that accountability is essential for creating results and transformations. This is why we build accountability into our systems to make sure that your employees are coming to the gym, eating right, and taking care of themselves.


Where many wellness programs go wrong is that they only address one area of wellness. Here at genesis wellness, we understand that health is more than just exercise, its the combination of exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. Our holistic approach to wellness has helped us achieve hundreds of client transformations.


Consistency is key to results that last. We acknowledge that a gym should feel like a home away from home. A wellness facility should be a place people look forward to coming to, not one that's dreaded. That's why at Wellness we start building engagement by meeting and engaging with all of our members.When people know you care, they care.


 Low back pain? Shoulder pain? Hip pain? Rounded back? Excess weight?  Our system specializes in the needs of the corporate individual. From the design of our facility to our wellness programs, everything at wellness is geared towards the needs of your employees or your individual goal. All of our trainers must pass strict standards before they are allowed to train.

We EXECUTE your Wellness Program Plan and Goals

We will work closely with you to ensure your needs and visions for your fitness program are attained. Our team of skilled  professionals will customize the design, operation, and offerings of your health and fitness programs based on your goals. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

 We have access to the best-priced fitness equipment, quality supplies, and maintenance.

Elite Trainers, Therapists, Corrective Exercise Specialists, Yoga Instructors, Holistic Nutrition Coaches

Our Team is carefully handpicked and top of the line. They can offer expert advice as well as a fun and satisfying workouts that have proven results.